I hope you all have had the opportunity to open up your gait (i.e. stop our penguin walk with all this ice) and get out avoiding the potential of cabin fever!

Looking ahead to this week, here comes Valentine’s Day and it is all about our heart.

We love our heart – the organ!  Physiologically,  let’s talk about target heart rates (THR) and what this means for you and your health.  There are different ways to calculate THR.  For simplicity, we will use the basic method to determine THR.  THR is calculated as a percentage of maximum heart rate (MHR). Maximum heart rate is an estimate of how fast your heart is beating when you are at maximum effort when exercising.  MHR is just a guide – your actual MHR may vary from the calculation by as much as 15-20 bpm. The suggested range is working out at  60% and 80% of your MHR.  Why use this? So you know that you are working at the correct intensity to help you get the most out of your workout.

Don’t like math? Use the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale. It is a scale used to measure the intensity of your exercise.  It takes into account your fitness level, environment, and fatigue levels. Perhaps try using the example of RPE below (trying to get to levels between 6-8/9)!

I HEART a lot of things: Pushups, sports, clients who give it their best and providing clients with FUN fitness outlets.

What do you HEART?

What makes your heart rate increase?  What makes you have a change of heart?  What’s your favourite hearty soup (just checking if you are still reading)?

Let’s try getting that heart rate up to the point where you wonder if the heart can really pump that fast.  Challenge your heart and do something that makes you feel awesome.

