Do you wake up and feel like you need more time to get your body going?
Caught yourself groaning a bit as you get in and out of bed?
Feeling extra stiff after a days work?

We have a little saying posted up in the Pod:

“Motion is Lotion”.

As a Registered Kinesiologist, I have been using this saying for the past 20 years.

What does it mean?

Your joints and surrounding structures allow you to bend, wiggle, move and be functional. We have a lubricant called synovial fluid, some cartilage and synovium which helps to cushion the joints. As we age and
(perhaps extra weight)
we may increase the wear and tear of these structures.

A great prescription to remedy this?


Exercise is highly recommended to reduce symptoms that are associated with age and decreased synovial fluid of the joints. Simply put- exercise lubricates the joints. Get up -get moving- feel better!

All exercises can be modified to suit your needs

Not sure about any of this?

Ask us….that is why we are here and love what we do! This is about YOU!

Our goal is to keep you KINETIC and functional to enjoy your day not groan with every movement.
